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Cloud Nine
2007.03.27. 17:02
If you want to live, let live
If you want to go, let go
I'm not afraid to dream - to sleep, sleep forever
I don't need to touch the sky
I just want to feel that high
And you refuse to lift me
Guess it wasn't real after all
Guess it wasn't real all along
If I fall and all is lost
It's where I belong
If you want to live, let live
If you want to go, let go
I'm never gonna be your sweet, sweet surrender
Guess it wasn't real after all
Guess it wasn't real all along
If I fall and all is lost
No light to lead the way
Remember that all alone is where I belong
In a dream
Will you give your love to me
Beg my broken heart to beat
Save my life
Change my mind
If I fall and all is lost
No light to lead the way
Remember that all alone is where I belong
Snow White Queen
Stoplight lock the door
Don't look back
Undress in the dark
And hide from you
All of you
You'll never know the way your words have haunted me
I can't believe you'd ask these things of me
You don't know me
You belong to me
My snow white queen
There's nowhere to run, so lets just get it over
Soon I know you'll see
You're just like me
Don't scream anymore my love, cause all I want is you
Wake up in a dream
Frozen fear
All your hands on me
I can't scream
I can't escape the twisted way you think of me
I feel you in my dreams and I don't sleep
You belong to me
My snow white queen
There's nowhere to run, so lets just get it over
Soon I know you'll see
You're just like me
Don't scream anymore my love, cause all I want is you
I can't save your life
Though nothing I bleed for is more tormenting
I'm losing my mind and you just stand there and stare as my world divides
You belong to me
My snow white queen
There's nowhere to run, so lets just get it over
Soon I know you'll see
You're just like me
Don't scream anymore my love, cause all I want is you
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Amy levele |
Nos, miutn vgignztem ezeket a leveleket, srcok, biztos vagyok benne, hogy rlni fogtok- Terry s n ugyangy reztnk az All that I'm living for-ral kapcsolatban, mint single- ez egy nagyszer dal, de a szvnkhz
inkbb a Sweet Sacrifice vagy a Weight of the world llt kzelebb- de a kiad kitartott az ATILF mellett. Vgl miutn (nem fogjtok elhinni!) meghallgattuk a rajongk vlemnyt, k egyetrtettek velnk, s megvltoztattk a kiad vlemnyt! Szval itt a szenzcis hr- A harmadik kislemeznk a Sweet Sacrifice. ROCK METAL. Nagyon lelkes vagyok. Ksznm, hogy elmondttok, mit gondoltok! Amire szksgnk volt, csak egy kis tbbsg.
Szeretettel, Amy_____________________________U.i.: Ne aggdjatok, a Lithiumot fogjk jtszani csak most kezd igazn nagyszerv vlni. (Ez hivatalosan csak ebben a hnapban lett kiadva, szval ksi kezds volt, de mg megy! Krjtek csak!) | |
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Amy ararnykpsei |
"Az ihlet mindig az jszaka kzepn jn, amikor a hzidat kellene csinlnod" - Amy-------"Mindenki, mindig rajtam rhg a buszon, amire tbbnyire valami hasonlt vlaszolok :"Kap*tok be srcok, jl nzek ki!" – Amy--------"Egy drma kirlyn voltam. Emlkszem a konyhban jtszottam, prbltam halottat tettetni, hogy a mamm hvja a rendrsget. Amikor ezt nem tette meg, srni akartam. Mindig is ilyen tetrlis voltam. Nem gondolom, hogy valakit is a rokonaim kzl ez meglepett."--------"...Sokat srok-nem tudom mirt, de ez segt nekem. Srok j s rossz dolgokon egyarnt lehet a szomorsg is gynyr"- Amy--------"Az egyetlen dolog amiben hiszek az az, hogy nem tudom minek kell s mi fog trtnni" - Amy--------Amy a Lithium viderl: ...szval nem egy olyan "kpedbe mondom" vide... | |
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